Headset 3M X5 Loescher electronics LUH-X
Up to 43,5 dB noise absorption.
At the moment the best ear defenders on the market.
PTT side left or right
No volume control
Headset for 2 mt band radios
With detachable cable from the ear cup to the radio
The advantage: if you change the radio that needs a different connector you can just buy a new cable with the right one.
The disadvantage: the cable is more delicate then the fixed one.
Available connectors for all models
Standart 2 pin jack
Standart 2 pins 90°
VX 90°
Threaded VX jack
Talkabout 2.5 mm long jack
Cobra 2.5 mm jack std 90
The advantages of headsets fixed to the helmet:
the ear cups can be flipped upwards or aside quickly and easily
on the ground you can thus hear normally
in the air you can ventilate your ears whenever you like
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