Online Store Terms of Service

Online Store Terms of Service an e-shop with address WWW.EXTREMEUNIVERSE.BG

1. This document contains the General Terms and Conditions governing the relations between the company “Extreme Univers” Ltd. and the users of the Online Store at
2. The identification of the user / client in order to reproduce his statement, both for acceptance of the General Terms and for the purchase made, is done through the log files stored on the server at, storing the client IP address, as well as and any other information.
3. The products available on the website of do not constitute a legally binding offer but are a demonstrative online catalog describing the merchant’s product line.

4. The contractual language is Bulgarian and payments will be made in BGN with VAT.


1. Purchase a service voucher.
1.1. The customer selects a service voucher from the product catalog on a page at
1.2. The customer chooses the duration of the service.

1.3. With the “+” and “-” buttons displayed on the screen, the customer can change the desired number of gift vouchers he wants to buy.
1.4. The customer confirms his choice by pressing the “BUY” button.

1.5. The voucher is added to the customer’s shopping cart, who can now view their shopping cart, continue to select and add other products or services or go to the next stage of the order by clicking the “ORDER” button
1.6. After pressing the “ORDER” button, the client moves on to the next stage, where he must enter the information necessary to prepare and send a tax invoice to him by “Extreme Universe” Ltd.

1.7. This is also the place for the customer to enter their promo code, if they have one. This is done by entering the same in the field specified for it, which appears after the client clicks on a link named “click here to enter the code”. After entering the code, the customer presses the button “APPLY PROMO CODE”
1.8. The customer has the opportunity to use the field for “order notes” if he wants to send the latter to the person to whom he presents the voucher or additional information to “Extreme Universe” Ltd.

1.9. Following the agreement with the general conditions of the site of “Extreme Universe” Ltd. by the client and completion of the order by pressing the button “ORDER”

1.10. The customer will receive a unique order number, the e-mail specified when filling in the required order information.

1.11. After transferring the amount due, according to the respective order, to the bank account of “Extreme Universe” Ltd., the client receives an electronic voucher to the e-mail address and / or a paper voucher to the physical address, which he indicated when choosing the address for receipt and tax invoice for the amount transferred for the specific order.

2. Purchase a product.

2.1. The customer selects a product from the product catalog on a page at
2.2. Due to the specifics of the different products, the client may need to receive a consultation from an employee of “Extreme Universe” Ltd. He should then send a written request to or contact a representative of the trader, using the information in the section “CONTACTS”

2.3. With the “+” and “-” buttons displayed on the screen, the customer can also change the desired number of products he wants to buy.

2.4. The customer confirms his choice by pressing the “BUY” button.

2.5. The product is added to the consumer basket of the customer, who can now view his consumer basket, continue to select and add other products or services or go to the next stage of the order by pressing the “ORDER” button

2.6. After pressing the “ORDER” button, the client moves on to the next stage, where he must enter the information necessary to prepare and send a tax invoice to him by “Extreme Universe” Ltd.

2.7. This is also the place for the customer to enter their promo code, if they have one. This is done by entering the same in the field specified for it, which appears after the client clicks on a link named “click here to enter the code”. After entering the code, the customer presses the button “APPLY PROMOTE CODE”

2.8. The customer has the opportunity to use the field “order notes” if he wants to send additional information to “Extreme Universe” Ltd.

2.9. Following is the agreement with the general conditions on the site of “Extreme Universe” Ltd. by the client and completion of the order by pressing the button “ORDER”

2.10. After clicking this button, the customer will receive, on the e-mail, which he has indicated as his own, a unique number – generated by the system of, which is the basis for making a payment by bank transfer to the account of “Extreme Universe” Ltd.

2.11. After making a payment, the client will receive a tax invoice from “Extreme Universe” Ltd. at the e-mail address specified by him.

2.12. The customer should receive the selected product within a period specified by the manufacturer of the product.

2.13. The delivery time of the different products is different and is determined by the specifics of the product, its current availability in stock in “Extreme Universe” Ltd. and / or at the manufacturer of the product selected by the customer.

2.14. Delivery times are described in detail in section IV – “payment, prices and delivery time”


1. An electronic voucher is one that is not on paper.

The customer receives an electronic voucher on his e-mail after receiving a unique order number – generated by the e-shop system and making a payment based on the same unique order number to the bank account of “Extreme Universe” Ltd.
1.1 The paid voucher is sent by an employee or an authorized representative of “Extreme Universe” Ltd. to an e-mail specified by the client.
1.2 The delivery of an e-voucher is considered completed upon receipt of the customer’s e-mail or the e-mail of the user-recipient specified by the customer.
1.3 The delivery time is 12 hours after registration of the payment.

2. Paper voucher.

2.1. It is received by courier at the address indicated by the client, within 48 hours from the registration of the payment for the purchase on the bank account of “Extreme Universe” Ltd. The courier company is chosen by the merchant.
2.2. Immediately after handing over the voucher to a courier, the merchant is released from the risk that is transferred to the customer. The merchant is not responsible for the delay in case the delay is due to a courier or other supplier.
2.3. Immediately after delivery, the voucher (s) should be carefully inspected by the customer or a person authorized by him. Any damages should be reported immediately to the trader, who is not responsible, but has a commitment to reissue the voucher (s), if requested by the customer.
2.4. In case of incorrect or wrong address, contact person and / or telephone number when making the purchase, the Merchant is not bound by any obligation to perform the Service.
2.5. Upon delivery of the shipment, the customer or a third party signs the accompanying documents. Anyone who is not the holder of the application, but accepts the shipment and is at the address specified by the customer is considered a third party.
In case of refusal to receive the shipment, except in the cases described below, the refusal is considered unfounded and the customer must pay the costs of delivery and return of the shipment. In case the customer is not found within the deadline for delivery to the specified address or access and conditions for delivery of the goods are not provided within this period, the trader is released from his obligation to deliver the voucher.
2.6. When the delivered voucher clearly does not correspond to the purchase made by the customer and this can be established by its ordinary inspection, the customer may request that the delivered shipment be replaced with a corresponding purchase made within 48 hours after receipt.
2.7. In case the shipment is sent outside the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, the customer must pay all customs and other. fees related to its export and delivery.

3. Validity of the Voucher

The validity period of the Voucher is the time from the moment of Payment of the voucher to its Validity Date.
3.1. Each voucher contains a validity date, which is consistent with the date of purchase of the Voucher and the specifics of the Service – subject of the voucher.
3.2. The voucher expires if the service is not used by its expiration date.
3.3. Before the expiration of the validity, the same can be extended with additional payment. For this to happen, the customer must send a written request to the merchant’s e-mail address The merchant reserves the right to refuse to extend the validity of each voucher at its discretion, as well as to set conditions, again at its discretion. discretion to extend the validity of the voucher purchased by the client.
3.4. After the expiration of the validity, the voucher is considered invalid, as all amounts paid by the customer to the merchant remain in favor of the latter.

IV. Payment, prices and delivery time.

1. Payment

1.1. Payment is made solely on the basis of a unique code generated by the system, which the customer receives at the e-mail address specified by him, after completing the process of selecting a product and completing the order.

1.2. The account of “Extreme Universe” Ltd., which is the only valid one for purchasing products and services from the page address, has IBAN: BG28FINV91501016798727 at “First Investment Bank”.

1.3. The trader has no obligation to perform a service and / or send a product if no payment has been made by the customer specifically for the product and / or service in question to the merchant’s bank account.

2. Prices.

2.1. The trader has the right to change all prices announced on at any time.
2.2. The customer acquires the right to use the selected service or to receive the selected product only for the price he has paid to the bank account of the merchant on the basis of an invoice received from “Extreme Universe” Ltd. for the same service or product.

3. Delivery time.

3.1. The client will receive an electronic service voucher within 12 hours after receiving the respective amount on the merchant’s bank account, and on paper within 24 hours after fulfilling the last condition.

3.2. Products from the “ICARO” brand are not available in stock by the trader – “Extreme Universe” Ltd. Depending on the specifics of the product and its availability at the manufacturer, delivery times vary between 1 and 3 months after payment is made to the merchant’s account by the customer.

3.3. Products from the brand “AUSTRIALPIN” are not available in stock by the trader – “Extreme Universe” Ltd. Depending on the specifics of the product and its availability at the manufacturer, delivery times vary between 1 and 3 months after payment is made to the merchant’s account by the customer.

3.4. Products from the brand “POWERFIN” are not available in stock by the trader – “Extreme Universe” Ltd. Depending on the specifics of the product and its availability at the manufacturer, delivery times vary between 1 and 3 months after payment is made to the merchant’s account by the customer.

3.5. Products from the “GRS” brand are not available in stock from the trader – “Extreme Universe” Ltd. Depending on the specifics of the product and its availability at the manufacturer, delivery times vary between 1 and 4 months after payment is made to the merchant’s account by the customer.

3.6. Products from the brand “PPG Smoke” are not available in stock by the trader – “Extreme Universe” Ltd. Depending on the specifics of the product and its availability at the manufacturer, delivery times vary between 1 and 4 months after payment is made to the merchant’s account by the customer.

3.7. The term for delivery of a motor paraglider-paratrike of model “Bumble Bee II-6” purchased by “Extreme Universe” Ltd. is 12 months after making a payment on the dealer’s account.

3.8. It is recommended that the customer contact a representative of “Extreme Universe” Ltd. and receive up-to-date information about the currently expected delivery time of the selected product.

3.9. In case of impossibility to deliver the specified product within the specified terms, “Extreme Universe” Ltd. should refund the amount paid by the customer, as the fees for banking operations are at the expense of the customer, and the trader is not responsible for lost profits or damages due to delay. on delivery time.



There are two ways for the customer to get registered in the e-shop of “Extreme Universe” Ltd .:
One is to choose to register yourself by clicking the “enter” button, which is located at the top right of the page at
The second is when the purchase process is completed and then the e-shop system automatically registers the customer and in addition to the information about the purchase sends to the e-mail specified by the customer, name and access code for the newly created in customer profile .


The customer profile in our e-shop makes it easier for our users to keep track of their purchase history; to change and update information related to their personal data. “Extreme Universe” Ltd. reserves the right to close and / or delete at any time and without notice profiles from the e-shop system, customers, contractors, contractors and others.


1. The customer has the right to browse after the registration in the e-shop system to buy the services announced on
2. The customer has the right to be informed about the status of his purchase.
3. The Client is fully responsible for the protection of his username and password in his Client Profile, as well as for all actions performed by him or by a third party by using the username and password.
4. The Client shall immediately notify the Merchant of any case of unauthorized access by using his username and password, and whenever there is a risk of such use.
5. The Client is obliged to pay the price of the selected service according to one of the ways announced on
6. Every user, whether a customer of the E-shop, undertakes not to violate and respect the fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens and human rights when using the services, in accordance with the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Bulgaria and recognized international acts.
7. Not to prejudice the good name of another and to not call for a violent change of the constitutionally established order, for committing a crime, for violence against a person or for inciting racial, national, ethnic or religious enmity
8. Not to violate other people’s property or non-property, absolute or relative rights and interests, such as property rights, intellectual property rights, etc.
9. To comply with the Bulgarian legislation, the applicable foreign laws, the rules of morality, good morals and internet ethics when using the services provided by the merchant.
10. To inform the trader immediately of any case of committed or discovered infringement when using the provided services.
11. Do not download, transmit, transmit, distribute and / or use in any way whatsoever, and not make available to third parties software, computer programs, files, applications or other material containing computer viruses, unauthorized remote control systems ( “Trojans”), computer codes, or materials designed to interrupt, obstruct, disrupt, or restrict the normal functioning of computer hardware, software, or telecommunications equipment, or that aim to gain unauthorized access or access Tranny resources or software.
12. Do not commit malicious acts.
13. Indemnify the Merchant and all third parties for all damages and loss of profit incurred, including any costs and attorneys’ fees arising from claims by third parties in connection with websites, hyperlinks, materials or information used by the client , placed on the server, sent, distributed, made available to third parties or made available through in violation of the law, these general terms, good morals or internet ethics.
14. To indicate the correct and valid telephone number, delivery address and e-mail address, pay the voucher price, pay the shipping costs when the voucher is not free of charge, and provide access and opportunity to receive the voucher.
If it is not explicitly stated that the delivery is free, the delivery is considered for free.


1. The trader does not have the obligation and the objective possibility to control the way in which the consumers use the provided services.
2. The Merchant has the right, but not the obligation to store materials and information located on the server of
3. The Merchant has the right at any time, without notifying the customer, to terminate, suspend or change the services provided in connection with the use of the Online Store. The Merchant shall not be liable to consumers and third parties for damages and lost profits resulting from the termination, suspension, modification or restriction of services, deletion, modification, loss, inaccuracy, inaccuracy, or incompleteness of messages, materials or information transmitted, used, , recorded or made available through the online store
4. The merchant, after receiving the payment, undertakes to deliver the purchased gift voucher or product in time.
5. The Merchant shall not be liable for damages caused to software, hardware or telecommunications equipment, or for loss of data resulting from materials or resources sought, downloaded or used in any way through the services provided.
6. Advice, advice or assistance provided by the trader’s specialists and employees in connection with the use of the services by consumers shall not give rise to any liability or obligation for the trader.
7. The Merchant has the right to collect and use information relating to its customers, regardless of whether they are registered in the e-shop system.
8. The information under the previous article may be used by the trader, except in case of explicit disagreement of the client, sent to
9. The trader collects and uses information about the customer to improve the services offered. All purposes for which the Merchant will use the information will be in accordance with Bulgarian law, applicable international instruments and good manners.
10. The Merchant shall not be liable for non-performance of its obligations under this Agreement in the event of circumstances which it has not foreseen, including accidental events, problems with the global Internet and the provision of services beyond the Merchant’s control.
11. The trader has the right to install cookies on the users’ computers. Cookies are text files that are saved by the Website on the Client’s hard drive and allow recovery of information about the Client, identifying him and allowing tracking of his actions; The websites he visits; the hyperlinks it uses; the information he uses and records and others.


1. The Merchant guarantees to its Users / clients the confidentiality of the provided information and personal data. The latter will not be used, provided or brought to the notice of third parties, except in the cases and under the conditions specified in these General Terms and Conditions.

2. Information that we collect when viewing the store, but without making a purchase and registration on the site are only cookies, which are intended to support the rapid operation of the platform and to remember your views and added products in the basket.

3. The information we collect when making a purchase on your part must contain a contact phone number and e-mail, and an optional name and surname, as well as a delivery address.

4. If in the field for additional information you fill in the names of a person who will receive the voucher or the product as a gift, this information also becomes part of our database, but the decision and responsibility to provide it to us is yours.

5. The Merchant protects the personal data of the consumer / customer, which became known to him when filling in the electronic form for making a purchase application, and this obligation is waived in case the Customer has provided incorrect data. Subject to applicable law and the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions.

6. The Merchant may use the personal data of the Client only for the purposes provided in these – General Terms. Any other purposes for which the data is used will comply with Bulgarian law, applicable international instruments, Internet ethics, morals and morals.

7. The Merchant undertakes not to disclose any personal data about the Client to third parties – government agencies, companies, individuals and others, except in cases where this is necessary to perform a service that is the subject of the purchase made by the e-shop and / or the information is requested by state bodies or officials, who according to the current legislation are authorized to request and collect such information, and the Merchant is obliged to provide the information by law.

8. The contractors are natural or legal persons who have a contractual relationship with “Extreme Universe” Ltd. and are contractors of the company in this sense. They also have the personal data of the client (names, e-mail, telephone), and the purpose is to improve the communication before the moment of the physical performance of the service. Counterparties are not allowed to use the information provided by the e-shop system for purposes other than the performance of the service – subject of the purchase.

9. The personal data and information from your user profile will be used by the e-shop to send you advertising materials. If, at some point, you do not want to receive advertising offers from us in connection with our activities, it is enough to send a letter to

10. The customer agrees, by accepting these – General Terms, his personal data to be used for the needs of the e-shop and voluntarily provides them to “Extreme Universe” Ltd.


1. These general terms and conditions may be changed at any time by the trader.
2. The merchant reserves the right to refuse delivery of a confirmed purchase at any time and in any case when he decides! In this case, provided that a transfer has been made to the merchant’s account, the customer will be able to receive back the amount transferred to the account of “Extreme Universe” Ltd. from him within seven working days.

3. A trader has the right to refuse the use of a promo code when shopping from the site of, for the specific acquisition of which no amount has been paid to the bank account of “Extreme Universe” Ltd.


1. The customer has the right to refuse to use the service within 14 days from the completion of the purchase (payment). Such a statement of intent by the client is valid only if it is sent in writing to In the same letter the customer must indicate the unique number of his order, which is generated by the system of and a valid bank account.
2. The Merchant undertakes to refund the amount paid for the specific service within 7 working days after receiving the Declaration of Complaint, after deducting from it all fees for banking operations and courier services, which the Merchant has paid in connection with this purchase and will pay in connection with the reversal and.


1. All disputes between the parties shall be settled in a spirit of understanding and good will.
2. In the event that no agreement is reached, all unresolved disputes, including disputes arising out of or relating to its interpretation, invalidity, performance or termination, as well as disputes concerning the filling of gaps in the contract or its adaptation to new circumstances, will be allowed by the competent court for registration of the Merchant, according to the Bulgarian legislation.


All materials that are on the page of the are the property of the trader “Extreme Universe” Ltd. and are copyrighted. Copying and distribution of texts, video and audio materials is prohibited without the explicit, written consent of the manager of “Extreme Universe” Ltd. – Ivan Tenev Bankov or his attorney Atanas Ivanov Bankov.


Shooting a video from the flight is a free, additional service – offered by “Extreme Universe” Ltd.
The raw video material is owned by Extreme Universe Ltd.
The editing of the videos uses copyrighted music and the finished film is branded with the logo of
By accepting these General Terms and Conditions, you agree that the videos in which you participate as a client of “Extreme Universe” Ltd. to be used for advertising purposes and distributed on social networks such as You-Tube, V-Box7, Facebook, Tweeter, Linked-IN , and others. and to be branded with the company logo of
Extreme Universe Ltd. undertakes to remove a video from all places where it has shared it, if it receives a written confirmation from the client present at the specific staff, at


The terms used in this document should be interpreted as follows:
1. “Client” – anyone who has loaded the website on their computer.
2. “Trader” – “Extreme Universe” Ltd.
3. “Purchase” – the selected Services or products and all other attributes related to the method of delivery and payment of the goods by the Customer.
4. “E-shop” – is the property of the Merchant.
5. “E-mail” – email
6. “Voucher” – a document issued by the trader, which the Customer receives in electronic form or on paper and which certifies that the customer has paid for the advertised product or service and can accordingly benefit from it.
7. “Shipment” – Voucher on paper or other item delivered to a courier for receipt by the Customer.